
Important Dates

  • February 07, 2025: paper and interactive session proposal submission deadline
  • February, 21, 2025: author notification
  • March 7, 2025: camera-ready workshop paper submission
  • April 7, 2025: workshop collocated with REFSQ 2025

Submissions will be accepted via EasyChair:

Workshop Topics

The one-day workshop brings together the topics creativity and requirements. With the progress of Artificial Intelligence (AI), innovative ways of the team of AI and humans can create new ideas jointly. The CreaRE workshop provides a platform for introducing, discussing and elaborating on ways to be creative for RE.

Workshop topics include, but are not restricted to:

  • The cooperation of humans and Artificial Intelligence in being creative in RE
  • Analyzing how distributed online collaboration has advanced creativity in doing RE, for example through changes in our communication, collaboration, co-creation, and tool use
  • The application of known, new or adapted creativity techniques in RE activities
  • Creative use of techniques originally designed for other purposes, but now applied as RE techniques, and/or creativity enhancers, especially for requirements elicitation
  • Promoting stakeholder participation in RE activities through creativity techniques
  • Using the creativity of the crowd
  • Gamification and creativity for RE
  • Using creativity techniques to measure and enhance user experience
  • Tool support for creativity enhancement
  • Context dependency of creativity and creativity techniques
  • Experiences with and considerations about creativity techniques in RE in industry
  • RE techniques that enable or support creativity

Paper Submission and Evaluation Criteria

We issue an open invitation for three types of paper submissions: position papers, full papers, and proposals for interactive sessions. Every type should treat a topic from the workshop themes.

  • Proposal for an interactive session (1–3 pages): Proposal for an interactive session such as a game, method demonstration, role playing, or mini-tutorial of 20–30 minutes which can be executed at the workshop, including the participation of up to 20 persons.
  • Position paper (3–6 pages): Short paper, stating the position of the author(s) on any of the workshop topics. For example, a position paper could describe an experiment or a case study in industry. A position paper will be evaluated on its potential for generating discussion, on practical relevance and on the originality of the positions stated. A position paper can be used also to describe emerging ideas on how creativity should be performed, in which case it will be evaluated based on its relevance, originality and sound argumentation.
  • Full paper (8–10 pages): Full paper evaluating an experience (in industry) or describing the results of a research effort. A full paper will be evaluated for innovativeness of the proposed ideas and for technical soundness.

Submissions will be accepted via EasyChair. Each paper, proposal, or tutorial summary submission should be in the CEUR Style for one-column (onecolceurws.sty from in line with the publication venue.

Each submission will be reviewed by three members of the Program Committee.

Accepted papers (including the invited vision papers) and summaries of interactive sessions will be published in the REFSQ’25 workshop proceedings at CEUR.